Les investissements du gouvernement du Canada permettent aux chercheurs canadiens de réaliser des découvertes de calibre mondial

LONDON (ONTARIO) – Les découvertes faites dans les laboratoires de recherche canadiens mèneront à une vie plus propre, plus saine et plus prospère pour tous les Canadiens. Qu’ils travaillent à mettre au point des traitements efficaces contre le cancer ou des technologies vertes, les chercheurs ont besoin des bons outils pour concrétiser leurs idées audacieuses.
C’est ainsi qu’aujourd’hui, à l’Université Western, l’honorable Kirsty Duncan, ministre des Sciences et des Sports, a annoncé une augmentation substantielle du financement octroyé à la Fondation canadienne pour l’innovation (FCI), qui comprend la somme de 763 millions de dollars sur cinq ans et le montant de 462 millions de dollars par année à partir de 2023-2024. Ce financement permanent et stable est l’une des principales recommandations du Comité consultatif sur l’examen du soutien fédéral aux sciences, qui a mené ses travaux l’an dernier.
Visionnez l'annonce de financement sur Twitter |
Il permettra à la FCI de continuer à soutenir les chercheurs en investissant dans les laboratoires et l’équipement de recherche de pointe de nos universités, collèges et hôpitaux de recherche. Investir dans l’infrastructure de recherche crée les espaces nécessaires pour former la nouvelle génération de chercheurs et réunir les chercheurs et les entrepreneurs qui peuvent stimuler l’innovation.
La ministre a aussi annoncé que le Fonds des leaders John-R.-Evans de la FCI allouait plus de 39 millions de dollars à l’acquisition de laboratoires et d’équipement de recherche de pointe. Cet investissement servira à financer 251 chercheurs menant 186 projets dans 43 universités partout au Canada. Le Fonds des leaders John-R.-Evans de la FCI aide les universités à recruter et à maintenir en poste des chercheurs de haut niveau de partout au monde en leur procurant l’infrastructure hautement spécialisée pour être des leaders dans leur domaine respectif.

Le Fonds des leaders John-R.-Evans versera notamment plus d’un million de dollars à l’Université Western pour soutenir cinq projets allant de la santé à la climatologie. Ryan Stevenson en profitera pour améliorer les connaissances sur la façon dont le cerveau développe sa capacité de traitement de l’information sensorielle chez les autistes. Robert Sica, quant à lui, renforcera notre capacité à mesurer les nuages, les aérosols, la fumée produite par les incendies de forêt et les cendres volcaniques qui ont des effets sur les climats local et mondial.
Depuis 1997, la Fondation canadienne pour l’innovation dote les chercheurs canadiens des outils dont ils ont besoin pour repousser les frontières du savoir dans toutes les disciplines. Ce financement permanent et stable permettra au Canada de demeurer une destination internationale pour la recherche et l’innovation.
Honorable Kirsty Duncan, ministre des Sciences et des Sports
La Fondation canadienne pour l’innovation pose la pierre angulaire sur laquelle se construira l’avenir en procurant aux chercheurs l’équipement qui assurera leur succès dès le début de leur carrière. Le Fonds John-R.-Evans crée les conditions nécessaires pour que les extraordinaires talents dans les universités et les hôpitaux canadiens excellent. Grâce à ce financement permanent et stable, la FCI continuera à soutenir leurs aspirations.
Roseann O’Reilly Runte, présidente-directrice générale de la FCI
Ce financement d’infrastructure nous permettra de sonder les premières signatures neurales des déficiences développementales, comme les troubles du spectre autistique, afin d’améliorer les stratégies d’intervention précoce. Nous pourrons aussi former la prochaine génération de scientifiques, ce qui aidera le Canada à demeurer à l'avant-garde du progrès scientifique.
Ryan Stevenson, professeur adjoint, département de psychologie, Université Western
Nous saluons les investissements continus du gouvernement du Canada dans la FCI et la recherche de pointe. Nous félicitons aussi nos collègues de l’Université Western dont les recherches profiteront directement de ce nouvel investissement.
Amit Chakma, président et vice-chancelier de l’Université Western
Faits en bref
- Le Budget de 2018 prévoit un investissement historique de près de 4 milliards de dollars sur cinq ans dans la recherche et dans la prochaine génération de scientifiques. Il s’agit du plus important investissement au pays dans la recherche fondamentale.
- Dans le Budget de 2018, le gouvernement du Canada a accordé à la FCI la somme de 763 millions de dollars sur cinq ans et un financement permanent et stable de 462 millions de dollars par année d’ici 2023-2024. Ce financement stable dotera nos chercheurs et nos étudiants des outils de pointe nécessaires pour créer et innover.
- Le Fonds des leaders John-R.-Evans permet aux excellents chercheurs des universités canadiennes de mener de la recherche de pointe en leur fournissant l’infrastructure et l’équipement dont ils ont besoin pour devenir des chefs de file dans leur domaine respectif.
- L’investissement total de 39 125 771 dollars est composé d’un financement d’immobilisation de 30 096 747 dollars pour l’infrastructure et d’un montant additionnel de 9 029 024 dollars du Fonds d’exploitation des infrastructures de la FCI, lequel programme aide les établissements à assumer les coûts d’exploitation et d’entretien supplémentaires.
Liens rapides
Fondation canadienne pour l’innovation
Fonds des leaders John-R.-Evans
Le Navigateur d’installations de recherche de la FCI : un répertoire en ligne de laboratoires et d’installations qui veulent collaborer avec le secteur privé
Produits connexes
Vous pouvez consulter la liste des projets financés et des récits sur les installations au Innovation.ca. Pour être au fait, suivez-nous sur @InnovationCA et abonnez-vous à notre canal YouTube pour visionner des vidéos sur la FCI et les nombreux projets de recherches transformateurs qu’elle finance.
Olivia Carey Relations avec les médias
| Daniele Medlej Attachée de presse Bureau de la ministre des Sciences et des Sports Cellulaire : 343.291.4204 Courriel : daniele.medlej [at] canada.ca (daniele[dot]medlej[at]canada[dot]ca) |

- Alberta

- Manitoba

- Ontario

- Québec

Titre du projet | Contribution maximale |
Brock University
Eye Movements and Electrophysiological Activity as Markers of Age-related Cognitive Change | $76,241 |
Metabolic Phenotyping Using In Vivo Indirect Calorimetry Infrastructure | $165,467 |
2 projets | $241,708 |
Cape Breton University
Microbiology Research Laboratory for Antibacterial study and Biomass Conversion | $151,200 |
1 projet | $151,200 |
Carleton University
Multimodal Assessment of Human Cognition in Laboratory and Naturalistic Settings (MACLaN) | $124,385 |
Laboratory for Epithelial Ecophysiology and Molecular Biology | $80,000 |
Investigating Mineralizing Processes in Layered Mafic Intrusions using SEM-based Microtextural and Chemical Analysis | $60,000 |
Investigating the Molecular Mechanisms Between Emerging Environmental Contaminants and the Lipid Metabolome | $60,000 |
4 projets | $324,385 |
Concordia University
Polymer Nanomaterials Research Infrastructure | $125,000 |
1 projet | $125,000 |
Dalhousie University
Bioprocess Optimization of Recombinant Expression Through the Manipulation of Cellular Oxidative State | $64,247 |
1 projet | $64,247 |
École Polytechnique de Montréal
Mutli-Scale Modelling of Shot Peening and Peen Forming for the Aerospace Industry | 125 000 $ |
Numerical and Experimental Modelling of Highly-Dynamic Hydro-Environmental Systems | 93 509 $ |
Micorgrid Laboratory | 125 000 $ |
Exploration de nouvelles générations d'alliages métalliques de haute performance assistée par ordinateur | 125 000 $ |
3D Ultrafast Ultrasound Imaging | 250 000 $ |
5 projets | 718 509 $ |
Lakehead University
NMR project | $515,535 |
1 projet | $515,535 |
McGill University
Biologically-Derived Materials and Devices Laboratory | 120 000 $ |
Infrastructure for the Development of Soft Biomaterials for Tissue Repair | 100 000 $ |
Understanding the Molecular Pathogenesis and Improving Diagnosis and Management of Skin Cancers in Patients | 60 000 $ |
Nano/Micro Device Innovation Lab | 140 000 $ |
Synthesis and Characterization of Advanced Functional Materials | 240 000 $ |
Low-turbulence Water Tunnel | 164 000 $ |
Control of Transcription in Placental and Epiblast Development | 116 824 $ |
Infrastructure for Uncertainty Quantification in Power System Stability Analysis | 40 000 $ |
State Estimation Enabling Autonomous Operation of Robotic Vehicles | 49 600 $ |
Patient-derived Organoids to Deconvolute the Impact of Tumor Microenvironment on Cancer Initiation and Progression | 115 397 $ |
Functional Genomics of Immune Responses | 146 000 $ |
Controls on Microbial Carbon Cycling in Marine Environments: Linking Micro-scale Processes to Global Carbon Dynamics | 239 875 $ |
Functional Genomics of Acute Myeloid Leukemia | 60 000 $ |
Center for Culturally Responsive Research in Kinesiology and Physical Education | 113 954 $ |
Cerebellum-dependent Learning: From Synapses to Behavior | 179 500 $ |
15 projets | 1 885 150 $ |
McMaster University
Establishment of the Memory, Action, & Cognition Laboratory for the Study of Human Sensorimotor Neuroscience | $127,514 |
Catalyst Nanomaterial Synthesis, Characterization and Device Integration Suite for Sustainable Energy Technologies | $150,000 |
Bacteriophages and the Gut Microbiome | $160,000 |
Synthetic Medicinal Chemistry Platform for Antimicrobial Drug Discovery | $200,000 |
Chemical Strategies to Modulate Ternary Complex Protein Assembly | $180,000 |
Platform for Smart Biomaterials | $200,000 |
Investigating the Genetic and Biochemical Pathways that Regulate Hemostasis | $400,000 |
Human Energy Balance and Metabolic Phenotyping Laboratory | $395,000 |
Fault Management Power Electronics Laboratory | $80,000 |
9 projets | $1,892,514 |
Memorial University of Newfoundland
The Metal Detector Facility: An Atlantic Canada Ultra-Trace Element Geochemistry Centre | $297,110 |
MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometer | $300,000 |
2 projets | $597,110 |
Mount Saint Vincent University
400 MHz NMR to Support the Development of Imaging Agents | $281,897 |
1 projet | $281,897 |
Queen’s University
Using Systems Biology to Investigate Leukemic and Normal Stem Cells | $162,500 |
Predictive Immune Monitoring Approaches for Precision Cancer Chemo-Immunotherapy | $150,000 |
Nanophotonic Neuromorphic Computing | $132,500 |
Astroparticle Theory Laboratory | $49,970 |
Driving Innovation: Establishing a Mobile Inclusive Music Theatre Makerspace | $40,800 |
Development of a Scintillating Bubble Chamber | $189,951 |
Selective Laser Melting of Reactive/Sensitive Metals for Aerospace, Automotive and Medical Applications | $125,000 |
Unpacking the Transition from Suicide Ideation to Attempts in Adolescents | $100,000 |
Dark Stars and New Physics from Neutrinos | $50,000 |
9 projets | $1,000,721 |
Saint Mary’s University
Nonlinear Optical Crystallographic Imaging of Biopolymers | $153,026 |
1 projet | $153,026 |
Simon Fraser University
High Resolution Measurements of River Dynamics | $300,000 |
A Unique Experimental Suite for Examining Plasticity and Variability in Brains at Multiple Levels of Organization | $100,000 |
New-generation Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorter for Infectious Diseases and Immunology Research | $346,300 |
3 projets | $746,300 |
Thompson Rivers University
Micro and Macrovascular Structure and Function in Health and Disease: Role of Exercise Derived Extracellular Vesicles | $186,269 |
1 projet | $186,269 |
Trent University
Maritime Archaeology Research Laboratory Infrastructure | $158,414 |
Agricultural Soil Health Laboratory | $163,779 |
2 projets | $322,193 |
Université de Moncton
Live Imaging of Mitochondrial Signaling | 170 993 $ |
1 projet | 170 993 $ |
Université de Montréal
Deciphering the Regulation and Role of PGC-1 Transcriptional Coactivators in Human Skin Conditions | 138 146 $ |
Laboratory of Quantitative Plant Development | 253 886 $ |
Functional Genomics of Long Noncoding RNAs in Human Diseases | 159 991 $ |
The Brain-Circuit Analysis Platform: From Brain Circuits to Behavior | 120 249 $ |
Laser Microdissection and Optogenetics Systems for Discovery of Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Memory Decline in Aging | 110 020 $ |
Mechanism of Bacterial Peptidoglycan Synthesis and Surface Adhesion | 519 965 $ |
Multiphasic-plasma Research Infrastructure | 233 586 $ |
Functional Imaging of Neuron-glia Interactions at the Network Level in Cortical and Brainstem Circuits | 249 999 $ |
Field and Laboratory Platform for Aquatic Biogeochemistry | 146 021 $ |
Uncovering Stem Cell States, their Transitions and Regulatory Mechanisms | 144 669 $ |
Infrastructure for Structural Characterization by Scanning Electron Microscopy | 397 671 $ |
Towards an Archaeology of the Anthropocene | 50 850 $ |
Plateforme photonique de neuroscience de la vision | 119 424 $ |
13 projets | 2 644 477 $ |
Université de Sherbrooke
Infrastructure de terrain pour l’étude de la spatialisation de variables hydrologiques | 162 500 $ |
1 projet | 162 500 $ |
Université du Québec - Institut national de la recherche scientifique
Megahertz through Millimeter-wave Material and Component Characterization Laboratory (MMMCC-M3C2) | 209 502 $ |
Studying and Manipulating the Plant Holobiont Across All Scales | 148 595 $ |
Laboratoire en statistiques spatiales et développement urbain (LADU) | 121 482 $ |
3 projets | 479 579 $ |
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
Laboratoire de sclérochronologie des poissons | 63 977 $ |
1 projet | 63 977 $ |
Université du Québec à Montréal
Infrastructure for the Dynamic and Quantitative Analysis of Biological Processes | 141 811 $ |
TGCTextes | 47 793 $ |
2 projets | 189 604 $ |
Université du Québec à Rimouski
Laboratoire d’essais mécaniques destinés aux matériaux, aux produits et aux procédés | 299 897 $ |
Laboratoire de physiologie comparée et évolutive du vieillissement cellulaire | 70 000 $ |
Laboratoire d’étude des impacts des sons anthropiques sur le développement des organismes benthiques | 44 095 $ |
3 projets | 413 992 $ |
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Matériaux innovants pour la conversion et le stockage de l'énergie | 100 000 $ |
1 projet | 100 000 $ |
Université du Québec en Outaouais
Laboratoire de Neuropsychophysique Cognitive et Sociale | 99 740 $ |
1 projet | 99 740 $ |
Université Laval
Infrastructure for Lipoprotein Metabolism Research Unit | 109 116 $ |
Role of the Gut Microbiome-Endocannabinoidome Axis in Metabolic Health and its Therapeutic Explotation - Phase 2 | 704 067 $ |
High-Throughput Microbial Interaction Mapping Platform | 86 000 $ |
Caractérisation de systèmes de finition et de systèmes de densification pour le bois | 98 492 $ |
The Encounter Research Lab | 107 522 $ |
Laboratory on Quality by Design in Bio-Products Engineering (BIO-QbD) | 100 031 $ |
Immunophenotyping Infrastructure for Functional pharmacoEPIgenomics of Childhood Leukemia | 123 403 $ |
Silicon Photonics for High-capacity Optical Communications | 100 000 $ |
8 projets | 1 428 631 $ |
University of Alberta
Environmental Bioprocess Development Laboratory for Waste and Wastewater | $108,000 |
Molecular Injury and Repair Assessment in Ex Vivo Perfused Solid Organ Transplants | $60,000 |
Characterization of the Role of Microparticles in Regulating Immune Responses against Colorectal Cancer | $164,181 |
Targeted Analyses Using Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry to Assess the Performance of Land/Water Reclamation Systems | $232,000 |
An in Vivo Two-photon (2P) Imaging Platform to Study Cell Types, Neural Networks, and Mechanisms of Memory | $220,001 |
Quantitative Proteomics Infrastructure for both Fundamental and Applied Agricultural and Health Science Research | $686,000 |
High-throughput Discovery of Cellular Targets and Research Tools for Neurodegenerative Diseases | $120,000 |
Ultra-low Radioactivity Gases for New Rare Event Searches and New Detector Technology | $200,000 |
Properties of Geologic Fluids: Linking Physical and Atomic-scale Properties at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures | $211,70% |
Identification of Novel Therapeutic Targets in Chemotherapy-Induced Cardiotoxicity | $160,000 |
Pain and Addiction Laboratory | $155,983 |
Dissecting Molecular Mechanisms Regulating Brain Development and Regeneration | $147,094 |
Metal Resource Recovery during Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage in Waste Minerals and Waste Water | $180,455 |
Development and Characterization of an Innovative Hybrid Photosensor | $200,000 |
Examination of HVAC Systems on Indoor Gaseous Pollutant Transmission and Development of Effective Control Strategies | $97,223 |
Digital PCR Analysis for Neuroscience Discovery | $79,869 |
16 projets | $3,022,246 |
University of British Columbia (The)
Building Infrastructure for Deep Learning of Natural Language | $91,305 |
Plant Behaviour and Insect Interaction Lab | $125,000 |
Laboratory for Micromechanical Characterization of Multiphase Fluids | $125,000 |
Next Generation of Gas Turbines: Technology Development for Fuel Burning Rate Enhancement and Thermoacoustics Mitigation | $125,000 |
Advanced Non-Thermal Food Processing (ANT-FP) Research Facility | $125,000 |
A Cross-systems Investigation of Swallowing Following Prolonged Mechanical Ventilation | $101,500 |
Development of a Novel Geothermal Mine Ventilation System | $125,000 |
The Okanagan Anti-Icing Research Laboratory | $125,000 |
Plankton Food-webs Laboratory (PFL) | $125,000 |
The Nutritional Hematology (NUTRI-HEME) Laboratory | $125,000 |
UPLIFT Health Lab | $124,864 |
A Flexible Wireless Sensor-actuator Network for Real Time Hydrological Experimental Design | $125,000 |
12 projets | $1,442,669 |
University of Calgary
System-Wide Investigation of Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Using Mass Spectrometry | $400,000 |
Clean Energy Research Micro-Grid | $150,000 |
Sustainable Technologies for Rare Earth Elements Extraction and CO2 Utilization | $137,870 |
Disinfection Byproducts in Reclaimed Wastewaters: Formation, Occurrence, and Toxicity Indicators | $285,000 |
Developing Innovative Functional Materials and Technologies for Environmental Remediation Based on Interaction Studies | $150,000 |
Colloids: Building Blocks towards New Materials | $147,102 |
Innovative Characterization of Water-rock Interaction for a New Generation of Models of Sustainable Energy Utilization | $250,000 |
Translational Control of Mammalian Brain Development | $200,000 |
8 projets | $1,719,972 |
University of Guelph
Laboratory for the Study of Neuronal Development and Plasticity in Health and Disease | $72,245 |
TI-STAR: A Tracking Detector for Experiments with Exotic Nuclei at TRIUMF | $186,000 |
Infrastructure for a Neuroscience Laboratory Studying Co-occurring Addiction and Mental Illness | $97,087 |
New Genomic Technologies to Tackle Fungal Pathogens | $71,819 |
4 projets | $427,151 |
University of Manitoba
Single-cell Transcriptomics Analysis of the Immune System During Infection and Chronic Inflammation | $156,834 |
Manitoba Interdisciplinary Lactation Center (MILC): A Provincial Infant Feeding Database and Human Milk Biorepository | $165,464 |
Tailoring Quality During Processing of Protein Rich Plant-based Foods and Food Ingredients | $160,000 |
Enhancing Capacity for Cellular Phenotyping for HIV Prevention and Cure Research | $155,942 |
High-yield Protein Production Suite for Structural Biology | $159,028 |
Desktop Supercomputers for the Design of Advanced Functional Materials | $114,462 |
Social Determinants of Health Digital Library | $240,000 |
7 projets | $1,151,730 |
University of New Brunswick
High Pressure Cold Spray for Cermet Nanostructured Coatings/Functionally Graded 3D Architecture Development | $150,000 |
1 projet | $150,000 |
University of Ottawa / Université d’Ottawa
Legal Text Mining | $74,901 |
Single-cell Characterization of Drug Response in Human Cancer Stem Cell Populations | $208,675 |
Deciphering Metabolic Plasticity and Remodelling in the Normal and Diseased Heart | $101,368 |
Elucidating the Role of Effector Proteins in Promoting Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Symbiosis | $157,653 |
Visualizing Epigenomics in Real Time | $231,091 |
Elucidating Ion Channel Function for Improved Drug Discovery | $147,873 |
Mechanobiology-inspired Regenerative Medicine | $107,927 |
7 projets | $1,029,488 |
University of Prince Edward Island
Atlantic Biofabrication Laboratory | $100,000 |
1 projet | $100,000 |
University of Regina
The VOICE Lab: Vocally Oriented Exploration in Creative Expression | $25,725 |
Importance of Terrestrial-aquatic Linkages to Carbon Cycling in the Prairie Ecozone | $36,167 |
Development of a Low Cost and Stable Catalyzed Heterogeneous System for Biofuels Production from Agricultural Residues | $61,600 |
3 projets | $123,492 |
University of Saskatchewan
A Laboratory for Understanding Microbial Interactions through Chemical Ecology | $109,619 |
Research-scale Extruder for Value-added Processing of Carbohydrates | $164,500 |
2 projets | $274,119 |
University of Toronto
The Role and Fate of Inorganics in the Industrial Processing of Woody Biomass | $160,000 |
Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Sexual and Gender Minority Health | $247,329 |
Towards Personalizing Arthritis Medicine | $281,018 |
Super-resolution Live-cell Imaging System for Membrane Contact Site Dynamics | $442,349 |
Centre for the Study of Brain, Performance, & Music Creation (Centre BPMC) | $400,000 |
Mitigating Endocrine Metabolic Disease Risk after Spinal Cord Injury | $173,894 |
Decoding the Heterogeneity of Reactive Astrocytes | $150,000 |
Genomic Portal for Polygenic Molecular Maps of the Brain | $178,076 |
Infrastructure to Elucidate the Roles of Mitochondria in Germline and Stem Cell Biology | $250,000 |
Sub-diffraction Limit Imaging of Matrix Degradation Machines | $198,500 |
Multiscale Mechanics and Additive Manufacturing of New Metallic Materials for Aerospace and Biomedical Applications | $250,000 |
11 projets | $2,731,166 |
University of Victoria
Green and Sustainable Geotechnical Engineering | $90,098 |
Facilities for Timber and Steel Structures Research Laboratory | $250,000 |
The Coastal Dynamics Lab – A New Technological Research Facility to Investigate Coastal Morphodynamics | $135,000 |
Marine Historical Ecology & Zooarchaeology Laboratory | $72,000 |
4 projets | $547,098 |
University of Waterloo
Infrastructure to Characterize Capillarity and Wetting for Under-liquid Systems | $150,000 |
Spectroelectrochemical Analysis of Heterogeneous Electrocatalysts | $130,000 |
Histological and Functional Photoacoustic Remote Sensing (HF-PARS) Microscopy | $91,830 |
Nanocatalyst Characterization and Performance Studies Platform | $130,000 |
Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer | $100,000 |
5 projets | $601,830 |
University of Western Ontario (The)
Impact Earth Laboratory | $200,000 |
G-Protein Coupled Receptor Signalling in Health and Disease | $200,000 |
Neurocognitive Development of Sensory Processing in Autism | $200,000 |
Lung Imaging to Transform Patient Outcomes | $271,974 |
Measurements of Clouds, Aerosols, Forest Fire Smoke, and Volcanic Ash from a Network of Ceilometers | $200,000 |
5 projets | $1,071,974 |
University of Windsor
Advanced Flow Management System for Development of Smart Sensor Systems and E-n se Mapping | $48,000 |
Bioarchaeology and Forensics Portable 3D Osteology Lab | $45,000 |
Transport Phenomena in Multiphase Reacting Flows for Performance Improvement of Sustainable Energy Systems | $68,615 |
INCUBATOR Lab: Advanced Bioart Laboratory and Multimedia Theatre | $100,000 |
4 projets | $261,615 |
Wilfrid Laurier University
Mass Spectrometry for Dissecting Phosphonate Tailoring of Bacterial Cell Surfaces | $97,651 |
Functional Near-infrared Spectroscopy System for the Study of the Neural Mechanisms that Support Speech | $76,020 |
2 projets | $173,671 |
York University
Behavioral Endocrinology of Primate Life Histories | $142,000 |
Experimental Facility for Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics Research | $167,269 |
2 projets | $309,269 |
Cette annonce comprend l’attribution d’une somme additionnelle de 9 029 024 dollars du Fonds d’exploitation des infrastructures. Les établissements utilisent ces montants pour assumer une partie des coûts d’exploitation et de maintenance de la nouvelle infrastructure.