8.3 CFI communications and social media
We encourage institutions to send us story ideas or multimedia materials that help communicate the value and impact of the research enabled by CFI funding. In turn, researchers and communications teams should be prepared to connect with CFI staff should we choose to highlight a research project or lab in our communications products. We seek necessary permissions and approvals for the content we create.
Our content is often available for institutions to repurpose in their own communications, including in their research magazines or newsletters or on their website. Email us at cficommunicationfci [at] innovation.ca (cficommunicationfci[at]innovation[dot]ca) if you would like to repurpose a story about research at your institution.
The CFI is committed to providing its communications and services to the public in both English and French. Occasionally, we curate content from institutions on our website. If this content is not available in both official languages, we will translate it.
The CFI is active on social media, and we encourage institutions, communications teams, researchers and their partners to follow and engage with us on these platforms. The CFI’s communications team also welcomes opportunities to collaborate on social media campaigns.