6.0 Administration of CFI awards
- Table of contents
- Summary of changes
- 2.0 Funding architecture
- 4.1 Eligible infrastructure projects
- 4.2 Infrastructure use
- 4.3 Infrastructure location
- 4.4 Infrastructure control
- 4.5 Research security and intellectual property
- 4.6 Eligible costs for infrastructure projects
- 4.7 Eligible costs for operation and maintenance of the infrastructure
- 4.8 Eligible partner contributions
- 4.9 Eligible in-kind contributions
- 4.10 Eligibility dates
- 6.1 Management and oversight of CFI awards
- 6.2 Award finalization
- 6.3 Award agreement and instalment schedule
- 6.4 Account administration
- 6.5 Items involving in-kind contributions
- 6.6 Changes to infrastructure projects
- 6.7 Financial reporting
- 6.8 Operation and maintenance of CFI-funded infrastructure
- 6.9 Monitoring and auditing activities
- 6.10 Infrastructure Operating Fund allocation and release of funds
The information presented in sections 6.1 to 6.9 applies to awards for research infrastructure projects. Guidelines pertaining to the Infrastructure Operating Fund are included in 6.10 Infrastructure Operating Fund allocation and release of funds.