Annual & corporate reports

Each year, our corporate plan highlights our activities for the year ahead and our annual report looks back at the past year’s accomplishments. Guiding it all is our five-year strategic plan.


Aiming high: Strategic plan 2023–28

Our strategic vision for the CFI from 2023 to 2028 is to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow while growing prosperity and building a stronger future for Canada through research. By supporting Canadian research institutions to address current and emerging science and technology challenges, we will help them seize opportunities to contribute to the vitality, health and prosperity of communities. This vision reflects our commitment to Canada’s research community, which we demonstrate through investments in research facilities and equipment.

Strategic plan 2023-28


Annual reports

Serving Canada

This year, as we put into action our strategic plan, Aiming high, we were resolutely innovative in responding to the needs of the research community. Find out how in our annual report.

Download a PDF of our 2023-24 annual report, or flip through it below.

To see a full-screen version, click here.


Corporate plan

Our corporate plan charts the course for program delivery, financial accountability, communications and outreach activities, evaluation of outcomes and impacts, and corporate services over the coming fiscal year. This annual plan is a way for us to be accountable to elected representatives, government officials, and to all Canadians about how we use public funds, and to be transparent about our activities for the coming year.

Corporate plan 2025-26