4.9 Eligible in-kind contributions
- Table of contents
- Summary of changes
- 2.0 Funding architecture
- 4.1 Eligible infrastructure projects
- 4.2 Infrastructure use
- 4.3 Infrastructure location
- 4.4 Infrastructure control
- 4.5 Research security and intellectual property
- 4.6 Eligible costs for infrastructure projects
- 4.7 Eligible costs for operation and maintenance of the infrastructure
- 4.8 Eligible partner contributions
- 4.9 Eligible in-kind contributions
- 4.10 Eligibility dates
- 6.1 Management and oversight of CFI awards
- 6.2 Award finalization
- 6.3 Award agreement and instalment schedule
- 6.4 Account administration
- 6.5 Items involving in-kind contributions
- 6.6 Changes to infrastructure projects
- 6.7 Financial reporting
- 6.8 Operation and maintenance of CFI-funded infrastructure
- 6.9 Monitoring and auditing activities
- 6.10 Infrastructure Operating Fund allocation and release of funds
Eligible in-kind contributions are defined as non-monetary resources that external partners offer as a contribution toward a CFI-funded project. It may include the value, in whole or in part, of eligible capital items or non-capital items that are needed to bring the infrastructure into service. The CFI recognizes eligible items involving in-kind contributions at fair market value.
However, in-kind contributions to the operating costs of research will not be accepted.
Furthermore, contributions made by the recipient institution or by participating institutions, in the case of multi-institutional projects, should be considered cash contributions, not in-kind contributions.