
Our president’s published commentary

Browse articles written by our president originally published online and in print newspapers and publications

A bold vision from twenty years ago is more relevant than ever
The creation of the Canada Foundation for Innovation in 1997 stemmed from a bold vision to transform an ailing research system in this country.…
Turning the tide for innovation in Canada
Twenty years ago, Canada was faced with a difficult question: “How can we elevate Canadian research to compete, even lead, on a global scale?”…
Innovation: a desire to make things better
How can Canada set itself on the right path for fostering a strong research and innovation system? It’s a pressing question — one that occupies…
Research is a contact sport
In a world where the biggest challenges facing humanity are global in scale, there is a need, more than ever, for research to be conducted as a “…
No small matter
The answers to fundamental questions about our world come from some of mankind’s most sophisticated technologies. This makes basic science a veritable treasure chest of opportunity for innovation.
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Meet Roseann O’Reilly Runte

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