Research stories

Our investments support research that benefits Canadians

In CFI-funded labs and facilities across the country, researchers in all stages of their careers are making discoveries, supporting a robust innovation ecosystem and helping solve some of the world’s most pressing challenges. 

A graphic of several green coloured buildings against a backdrop of rolling green hills with windmills.

Keeping research infrastructure green

A nod to the efforts that CFI-funded labs are making to reduce their environmental impact

All stories

Why (and how) the songbird sings
Listening to what finches can teach us about our own neurobiology and how we acquire language
Biskaabiiyang: Rebuilding power and authority for sovereign Indigenous Nations
Research into traditional forms of Indigenous governance will explore the resurgence of roles held by Indigenous youth, women, Two Spirit and trans folx
Bringing back bygone ventilation schemes
Uncovering a decommissioned ventilation system embedded in the walls of a Victorian-era hospital in Montréal offers insight into architectural designs for modern-day energy efficient buildings
Improving patient care in complex times
A new lab is developing instructional methods for training healthcare providers to be nimbler in ever-changing circumstances
Blazing a new trail in fire forensics
Many devastating wildfires are human-caused; some are set intentionally. One research lab aims to get to the bottom of how the blazes start to inform arson investigations and prevention measures.
Now is the time: Elevating Black people in STEMM
An interview with Maydianne Andrade, inaugural president of the Canadian Black Scientists Network, about the persistent obstacles Black people encounter in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine
British Columbia
Changing human behaviour to avert the climate crisis
Researchers at the University of British Columbia are exploring how people of various political stripes respond to the climate crisis — and how to spur collective climate action despite their differences
Can a bicycle be a tool for creating gender equality?
Researchers at York University use visual and digital media to explore the connection between physical activity and unequal power relations.
British Columbia
Life on the edge
An experiential research project at Simon Fraser University explores the psychology behind our perceptions of poverty
Power, policies and sustainability in the global food system
Today’s industrial approach to agriculture leaves the world dangerously dependent on a few crops and a few companies. Jennifer Clapp wants to change that.
Climate resilient crops that can do more with less
How researchers are tackling the roots of food insecurity — in a very literal way
Blueprints for boosting plant immunity
How sophisticated genomics could help address food insecurity by giving crops an edge in the arms race against pathogens