Putting the best research tools in the hands of Canada’s scientists
VICTORIA, BRITISH COLUMBIA — Canada’s scientists are driven to make discoveries that lead to new opportunities, a stronger economy and a growing middle class. What they need are the sophisticated tools and laboratories that help them break new ground in areas such as climate change, clean energy, ocean research and artificial intelligence.
Today at the University of Victoria, the Honourable Kirsty Duncan, Minister of Science and Minister of Sport and Persons with Disabilities, announced more than $42 million for 37 universities across Canada to support 186 new research infrastructure projects. These investments, provided through the Canada Foundation for Innovation’s (CFI) John R. Evans Leaders Fund (JELF), will help universities attract and retain top talent from around the globe — particularly early-career researchers — with equipment that will give them a competitive advantage in their field.
The University of Victoria was awarded a total of $355,000 for two projects. In the Department of Civil Engineering, Heather Buckley’s lab will carry out cutting-edge research to tackle the challenges of contamination of drinking water in communities in mining regions. With the CFI’s support, she will build on her work to create new sensors that allow remote communities to monitor their water quality and ensure safe water supply for local residents.
In the Division of Medical Sciences, Leigh Anne Swayne will work to better understand how different molecules interact to control proper development and functioning of the brain. The new funding will allow her to upgrade her lab’s existing microscope to a super-resolution fluorescence microscope, one that will support the development of therapy aimed at mitigating the effects of debilitating brain disorders, arrhythmias, syphilis infection and cancer.
These investments, coupled with the Government of Canada’s significant support for basic science through Budget 2018, will help build Canada’s reputation as an international research leader while ensuring new generations of scientists have the opportunity to realize their ambitions.
“I want to congratulate all of today’s recipients who will now have access to state-of-the-art tools and research infrastructure that will allow them to explore some of our most pressing questions. The answers they find contribute to the evidence our government needs to build a stronger economy and a more prosperous future for all Canadians.”
- Kirsty Duncan, Minister
“Investing in a new generation of research talent is more important than ever before for Canada. The Canada Foundation for Innovation is making it possible for our brilliant researchers to remain in Canada, to build our economy, and to contribute to solving the problems of the world.”
- Roseann O’Reilly Runte, President and CEO
“The Canada Foundation for Innovation investments in research infrastructure are absolutely critical for Canadian researchers to undertake cutting-edge research. At the University of Victoria, CFI investments support national platforms for ocean science and high energy physics, as well as research programs in neuroscience and remote sensing. On behalf of researchers throughout Canada, I wish to thank the CFI and Minister Duncan for their continuing support to Canadian research excellence.”
- David Castle, Vice President, Research
“Receiving this CFI grant means so much to me, especially in the UN Decade for Water. The problem of drinking water contamination in mining-impacted communities is one of chronic, long-term illnesses, and I am committed to making low-cost test-strip technologies that are available anywhere in the world where contamination of the water system due to mining is a concern.”
- Heather Buckley, Civil Engineer
“This support from CFI is so important to the work we are doing in our lab. This microscope is integral to all the work we do, increasing the type of questions we can ask and enhancing all our analysis. Having increased capacity to gather more information can reveal new things that you didn’t know to look for – kind of like getting glasses that suddenly make what you’re looking at so much clearer.”
- Leigh Anne Swayne, Cellular Neurobiologist
Quick Facts
- The John R. Evans Leaders Fund helps a select number of exceptional researchers at institutions across the country to conduct leading-edge research by giving them the tools and equipment they need to be or become leaders in their field.
- Total funding is $42,337,780: includes capital funding for infrastructure of $32,567,523, with an additional $9,770,257 awarded under the CFI’s Infrastructure Operating Fund, which helps institutions with the incremental operating and maintenance costs associated with the acquisition of new infrastructure.
- Budget 2018 is making a record-setting investment of nearly $4 billion in new support for science, so that Canadians can make the world-changing discoveries we can’t even yet imagine.
- This investment includes $1.7 billion for the granting councils and the next generations of researchers and scholars.
- Budget 2018 promises $763 million for the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) that will put cutting-edge tools in the hands of our scientists, scholars and students and ensure they have state-of-the-art labs and facilities to make their greatest discoveries.
Quick links
John R. Evans Leaders Fund
The CFI Research Facilities Navigator: An online database of labs and facilities that are open to working with business
Related products
A full list of the funded projects and stories about the facilities are available online at Innovation.ca. For updates, follow us on Twitter @InnovationCA and subscribe to our YouTube channel for videos about the CFI and its many transformative research projects.
Alexandra Taylor Media Relations
| Ann Marie Paquet ann-marie.paquet [at] canada.ca (ann-marie[dot]paquet[at]canada[dot]ca) |

- Alberta

- Manitoba

- Ontario

- Quebec

John R. Evans Leaders Fund / Fonds des leaders John-R.-Evans
Project title / Titre du projet | Maximum CFI Contribution / Contribution maximale |
Acadia University
Characterizing Food for Health | $78,582 |
1 project / projet | $78,582 |
Carleton University
Sustainable Water Treatment Lab - Research Equipment Infrastructure Request | $50,000 |
Contribution of Environmental Chemicals to Beta Cell Dysfunction and Death in Diabetes | $80,000 |
Neurobiology of Energy Balance | $80,000 |
Infrastructure to Develop Solid State Detectors for High Luminosity LHC | $55,000 |
Diffraction Engineered Next Generation mm-Wave Wireless Networks using Smart Electromagnetic Metasurfaces | $78,000 |
Integration and Co-Existence of Emerging Wireless Architectures | $43,800 |
Grid Edge Transactive Energy Management System | $60,000 |
Developing Integrative Simulation-based Research on Social Work Education & Practice | $57,980 |
8 projects / projets | $504,780 |
Concordia University
Kìnawind Lab | $150,000 |
1 projet / project | $150,000 |
Dalhousie University
Developing Natural Killer Cells for Immunotherapy | $125,000 |
Installation of a Main Group Catalysis and Materials Chemistry Lab at Dalhousie University | $99,997 |
TRIAGE: Translating clinical biomechanics and rehabilitation Research to Improve Arthritis Guidelines and Education | $121,438 |
Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry Laboratory | $150,000 |
Infrastructure for Plant Microbiome and Plant-Microbe Interaction Research Program | $63,136 |
5 projects / projets | $559,571 |
École Polytechnique de Montréal
Laboratoire de caractérisation des roches stériles | 125 000 $ |
* Text Mining Infrastructure for the Partnership for the Organization of Innovation and New Technologies (4POINT0) | 250 000 $ |
2 projets / projects | 375 000 $ |
* Funding for Research Infrastructure Associated with SSHRC Research Support
Financement de l’infrastructure liée au soutien à la recherche du CRSH
Emily Carr University of Art + Design
Textile Adaptations Research Program (TARP) | $61,931 |
Material Matters - New Craft: New Forms of Legacy Material Production and Contemporary Design Practice | $36,310 |
2 projects / projets | $98,241 |
McGill University
Design and Manufacturing of Lightweight Multifunctional Multiphysics Metamaterials | 127 000 $ |
Printed and Flexible Electronics Research Lab | 67 677 $ |
Assembly and Function of Membraneless Organelles | 140 000 $ |
Imaging and Control of Cardiac Excitation | 207 500 $ |
Emergence of Collective Cell Migration and Morphogenesis from Coordinated Single Cell Signal Transduction | 246 000 $ |
Direct Electron Detector for Structural Analysis of Macromolecular Assemblies and Whole Cells | 740 000 $ |
Advanced Traveler General Information System Laboratory for Sustainable Urban Transportation | 39 946 $ |
Using C. Elegans Models to Understand the Biology of Aging and Pathogenesis of Neurodegenerative Disease | 80 000 $ |
Multi-function Platform for Dairy Cattle Analysis Combining Motion, Force and Pressure Distribution | 161 000 $ |
Advanced Spectroscopy and Microscopy System | 196 635 $ |
A Systems Metabolomics Platform for Investigating Gene-Environment-Microbiome (GEM) Interactions | 194 454 $ |
11 projets / projects | 2 200 212 $ |
McMaster University
The Tissue Engineering for Advanced Medicine (TEAM) Lab: A Platform for Precision Prevention, Diagnosis, and Medicine | $180,000 |
The Biological Signatures of Clinical Progression in Bipolar Disorder | $140,000 |
Liquid Metal Engineering of Lightweight High Strength Low Alloy Steels and Aluminum-Zinc Alloys | $200,000 |
3 projects / projets | $520,000 |
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Two-Photon Microscopy for the Visualization of Subcellular Brain Activity in Vivo | $277,353 |
1 project / projet | $277,353 |
Mount Saint Vincent University
Maternal and Infant Nutrition Research Centre: A Contemporary Analysis of Human Milk and Infant Feeding Practices | $77,194 |
1 project / projet | $77,194 |
Queen’s University
Ambient Intelligence and Interaction: Sensing, Analysis, and Actuation | $125,000 |
A Smart Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Management Framework | $80,000 |
2 projects / projets | $205,000 |
Saint Mary’s University
Fish Behaviour and Physiology (FiBP) Lab | $200,001 |
1 project / projet | $200,001 |
Simon Fraser University
The HomeWare Lab: New Materials, Forms, and Technologies for the Internet of Things | $50,000 |
Exposure to Early Life Stress and Glucocorticoids: Mechanisms of System-wide Epigenetic Effects | $150,000 |
eBrain Centre: Neurotechnology Innovations in Youth Mental Health and Addiction | $250,000 |
3 projects / projets | $450,000 |
Thompson Rivers University
Precision Management of Rangeland Systems for a Sustainable Future | $213,243 |
1 project / projet | $213,243 |
Université de Montréal
Design and Manufacturing of Polymeric Microneedles for Biomedical Purposes | 120 554 $ |
Darknet and Anonymous Research Center | 136 471 $ |
Novel High-throughput Platform for the Integrated Study of Animal and Zoonotic Parasitic Diseases | 154 338 $ |
Development of a High-throughput Screening Platform to Identify Novel Regulators of Adipogenesis | 100 000 $ |
Exercise-Nutrition Interaction to Better Prevent and Treat Obesity | 158 047 $ |
Computational Design Tools for the Age of Digital Fabrication | 203 497 $ |
Imaging and Analysis Platform for the Investigation of Normal and Pathological Vision | 245 389 $ |
Muscle Stem Cell Laboratory (MuSCL) and Musculoskeletal Physiopathology Platform | 127 232 $ |
Improving Continence Care for Older Canadian Women: Supporting Future Innovations with State-of-the-Art Laboratory | 79 961 $ |
Dedicated Pre-clinical Prototyping Cleanroom for Ophthalmology | 197 966 $ |
Deep Single-cell Profiling of Immune Responses and Viral Reservoirs to Develop HIV Prevention and Cure Strategies | 320 000 $ |
Tackling Pain Assessment in Veterinary Medicine: Welfare and Translational Research Implications | 141 351 $ |
Autonomous Mobile Robotics | 148 892 $ |
13 projets / projects | 2 133 698 $ |
Université de Sherbrooke
Precision Medicine: A Mass Spectrometer for the Discovery of New Protein Biomarkers | 621 605 $ |
Système de corrélation d'images numériques pour l'évaluation du comportement des structures à treillis en acier | 84 000 $ |
2 projets / projects | 705 605 $ |
Université du Québec - École de technologie supérieure
Nanofibres et nanosphères polymériques fonctionnelles obtenues par électrofilage à échelle semi-industrielle | 132 759 $ |
Contrôle des surfaces à haute température pour la fabrication avancée des pièces métalliques et céramiques | 128 660 $ |
Turbulent Flow, Spray and Combustion Characterization using Advanced Optical Diagnostics | 132 962 $ |
Additive Manufacturing and Automation in Civil and Construction Engineering | 93 560 $ |
4 projets / projecst | 487 941 $ |
Université du Québec - Institut national de la recherche scientifique
Laboratory of Ultrafast Bio-Imaging (LUBI) | 209 601 $ |
Laboratory of Molecular and Device Physics | 209 601 $ |
Ecotoxicogenomics Research Centre | 221 213 $ |
Infrastructure to Study Mechanisms of Synaptic Dysfunction in Motor Neuron Diseases | 148 568 $ |
4 projets / [rojects | 788 983 $ |
Université du Québec à Montréal
Laboratoire de recherche sur les traumas interpersonnels et la résilience | 65 361 $ |
Infrastructure pour l'étude du développement de la parole | 70 001 $ |
Dynamic Interfacial Processes of Nanomaterials | 47 200 $ |
3 projets / projects | 182 562 $ |
Université Laval
Dynamique spatio-temporelle des systèmes à la frontière de la taïga et de la toundra | 48 709 $ |
Laboratoire en ingénierie de la sécurité incendie | 100 000 $ |
Intelligent Mechatronic Assistive Technology for People Living with Disabilities and for the Elderly | 99 352 $ |
Study of the Role of the Gut Microbiome-endocannabinoidome Axis in Metabolic Health and its Therapeutic Exploitation | 793 968 $ |
Laboratory of Inter-cellular Dynamics within the Neurovascular Unit in Cerebrovascular Diseases | 119 977 $ |
Towards an Expanded Analytical Platform of Food Allergen and Food Authenticity Detection | 71 049 $ |
Understanding the Electrochemistry of Biomaterials Degradation for Advancing Innovation in Medical Implants | 120 000 $ |
Confocal Microscopy Platform for Longitudinal Imaging of Pathological Changes in ALS Mouse Models | 150 000 $ |
Platform for the Isolation of Monoclonal Antibodies for Therapeutic and Diagnostic Purpose | 226 981 $ |
Establishment of an Organoid Culture Laboratory for the Study of Small Intestine Metabolism | 85 989 $ |
Laboratoire de recherche sur la structuration par laser de composants photoniques | 125 000 $ |
Establishment of an Infrastructure for Functional Proteomics Studies of Cancer | 119 900 $ |
Probing Neural Pathways Underlying Emotions Processing in Normal and Pathological States: From Molecules to Behavior | 119 992 $ |
* Plan dynamique de conservation des sols organiques | 99 976 $ |
14 projets / projects | 2 280 893 $ |
*Funding for Research Infrastructure Associated with an NSERC Industrial Chair
Financement de l’infrastructure liée à une Chaire industrielle du CRSNG
University of Alberta
The Vitamin A Laboratory (VitAL) Research Program | $114,137 |
Radiosensitization of Solid Tumors by Small Molecule Inhibitors Targeting the DNA Damage Response | $190,000 |
Excellence in Periodontology | $120,000 |
A Zebrafish Facility for the Study of Eye Disease | $159,912 |
Uncovering the Hidden Active Conformations of Proteins | $120,001 |
Genomics and Genetics of Stroke and Neurological Disease | $160,000 |
Four Steps to New Organic Semi-conductors: Design, Synthesis, Characterization, and Implementation | $120,000 |
Exercise-induced Tissue-secreted Factors that Promote Mitochondrial Health & Reduce Obesity-related Cardiometabolic Risk | $142,369 |
Neural Regulation of Metabolism: An inVivo Laboratory | $201,280 |
Integrated Power Converter Modules for Renewable Distributed Nano-grids | $74,996 |
Reconfigurable Modular Multilevel Converter System for Hybrid AC-DC Power Systems Research | $75,000 |
11 projects / projets | $1,477,695 |
University of British Columbia (The)
Computer Controlled Timber Dryer | $90,000 |
Facility for Autism Gene Variant Analysis | $800,000 |
REACT Laboratory for Comprehensive Study of Urban Active Travellers in Controlled and Uncontrolled Environments | $124,931 |
High Throughput High Content Electrophysiologic Imaging of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Derived Cardiomyocytes | $340,440 |
Development of New Tools and Techniques for the Analysis and Risk Management of Landslides and Related Geohazards | $125,000 |
Infrastructure for Quantifying Biodiversity and Connectivity in a Changing Ocean | $100,000 |
Nutritional Epigenomics in Cancer Laboratory at UBC (NECLU) | $125,000 |
BC Children's Hospital Neurotherapeutics Discovery Lab | $124,926 |
Facility for the Study of Rapid Adaptation to Changing Environments | $125,000 |
Laboratory of Translational Radiation Therapy | $210,000 |
Management for Microservice-based Cloud Systems | $123,045 |
In-Situ Testing System for Metallic Alloys & MMC Development for High Temperature Automotive & Aerospace Applications | $125,000 |
The Nutrient-Energy-Water Recovery (NEWeR) Laboratory | $125,000 |
13 projects / projets | $2,538,342 |
University of Calgary
Dynamic Biaxial Materials Testing System for Characterizing Whole-bone Fracture and Fatigue | $170,001 |
Biophysical and Biochemical Analysis of DNA Repair Complexes | $191,942 |
Early Life Bacterial and Fungal Microbiome in Asthma Development | $78,400 |
Gnotobiology and Systems Immunology to Understand Host-microbial Interactions in Health and Disease | $220,000 |
Solving the Puzzle of Acute and Chronic Pediatric Pain: Integrative Examinations of Mechanisms and Targeted Treatments | $150,000 |
5 projects / projets | $810,343 |
University of Guelph
Microbial Interactions with Food Components and the Gut Microbiota During Digestion | $140,001 |
Pedestrian Behavior Lab: Street-crossing Simulator to Study Risk Factors and Training System for Injury Prevention | $41,997 |
Translational Emotion Science and Youth Well-being | $18,867 |
Digital Design Research Hub – Landscape Architecture-Innovations in Landscape Architecture | $50,001 |
Terahertz Technologies for the Detection of Microbes, Allergens, and Foreign Objects in Food Products | $83,992 |
5 projects / projets | $334,858 |
University of Manitoba
Atomically Resolved Dynamics of Emergent Quantum States and Strongly Correlated Materials | $160,000 |
Autonomous Structural Health Monitoring Using UAV and Deep Learning | $156,066 |
Migration Research on the Move: Using New Technologies to Track Animal Movement | $150,396 |
Establishment of a High-throughput Molecular Dynamics Facility | $231,724 |
Infrastructure Enabling Quantitative Analyses of Neuronal Circuit Activity and Integrity in Health and Disease | $160,000 |
Neuromechanical Mechanisms of Age-related Instability During Walking | $156,765 |
Nutritional Biochemistry Laboratory for Sustainable Livestock Production | $157,652 |
7 projects / projets | $1,172,603 |
University of New Brunswick
Development of a Laboratory for Studying Past Primary Production and Paleoenvironments | $150,000 |
1 project / projet | $150,000 |
University of Northern British Columbia
Wood Innovation Research Laboratory Equipment | $799,303 |
1 project / projet | $799,303 |
University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Surface Characterization Laboratory | $100,189 |
1 project / projet | $100,189 |
University of Ottawa / Université d’Ottawa
Preclinical Investigation of Novel Therapies for Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia | $154,360 |
Cold Climate Agri-food and Small Community Mobile Wastewater Research Facility | $171,614 |
NeuroHealth and Rehabilitation Research Centre (NHR2C) | $332,152 |
Linked Culture Lab | $109,853 |
Understanding the Role of Dipeptidyl Peptidase 4 in Type 2 Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease | $225,000 |
Recording and Manipulating Brain Circuits with Light | $109,594 |
Multimodal Stimulated Raman Microscopy Laboratory | $705,863 |
7 projects / projets | $1,808,436 |
University of Saskatchewan
Airborne Cold Regions Observatory | $200,000 |
Advanced Single Cell Analysis (ASCA) to Discover Unique Molecular Profiles for Circadian Clock Disorders | $300,000 |
*Infrastructure for Swine Welfare Research | $125,000 |
3 projects / projets | $625,000 |
*Funding for Research Infrastructure Associated with an NSERC Industrial Chair
Financement de l’infrastructure liée à une Chaire industrielle du CRSNG
University of Toronto
Materials Characterization System for Developing and Testing Self-sensing Cementitious Composites | $127,000 |
Enabling Biomarker Identification and Treatment Optimization for Prevalent Neurological Disorders | $124,209 |
Cell Therapy for Organ Repair, Restore, Regenerate and Support (COR3S) | $397,925 |
Neural Control of Reward Seeking and Behavioural Control | $240,000 |
Microultrasound for Diagnosis and Image-Guided Intervention | $430,983 |
Tracking Trajectories for Vulnerable Children: Using Data to Understand Outcomes | $234,700 |
Novel Mechanisms of Heart Failure: Discovery to Translation | $333,025 |
Improving Outcomes for Organ Transplantation: A Live Imaging Platform to Target Immunologic and Fibrotic Events | $379,033 |
Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms Underpinning the Initiation, Progression and Metastasis of Pancreatic Cancer | $312,015 |
Ultrasound Technology for Image-guided Interventions in the Spine | $120,000 |
Infrastructure for the Unbiased Identification of Environmental Chemicals and their Protein Targets | $250,000 |
Development of Reasoning about the Self | $100,000 |
The CardioLink Research Platform: Innovations in Cardiovascular Surgery & Cardiometabolic Care | $377,909 |
Collaborative Mobile Interaction Workshop | $250,000 |
High Dimensional Single Cell Immuno-analytic Platforms for Deciphering Immune Complexity in Health and Disease | $799,071 |
A Viral Pathogenesis Laboratory for the Study of HIV Disease and Host Immunity | $100,000 |
Synaptic, Cellular and Circuit Mechanisms Underlying the Cortical Control of the Optokinetic Reflex | $200,000 |
The Centre for Multimodal Sensorimotor and Pain Research | $140,000 |
Neural and Physiological Correlates of Bilingual Development across the Life Span | $80,000 |
Skin Immune Cells and Pathogens Facility (SPF) | $80,000 |
Infrastructure for Advanced Structure and Spectroscopic Studies of G-Protein-Coupled Receptors | $121,860 |
Infrastructure for the Study of Microsporidia and the Co-evolution of Host-pathogen Interactions | $250,000 |
High-Resolution Mapping of Functional Genomic Elements in Spinal Motor Neurons | $120,000 |
Integration of Long-term Data and Experimental Manipulation to Study Life-history Evolution Under Rapid Climate Warming | $300,000 |
High Resolution Mass Spectrometry for Longitudinal Personalized Metabolomics Profiling | $249,960 |
Improving Sustainability of Urban Infrastructure Systems | $80,000 |
Knowledge Syntheses and Clinical Trials of Important Food Sources of Sugars and Cardiometabolic Health | $100,000 |
Imaging and Electrophysiology Equipment for Multi-neuron Stimulation and Recording | $457,011 |
Oxygen Is Poison – How Incorrect Modelling of the Human Microenvironment has Impeded Paediatric Research | $469,246 |
* Facilitating the Resilience of Sexual and Gender Minority Youth: An Infrastructure to Leverage Research and Technology | $80,000 |
30 projects / projets | $7,303,947 |
* Funding for Research Infrastructure Associated with SSHRC Research Support
Financement de l’infrastructure liée au soutien à la recherche du CRSH
University of Victoria
Safe Drinking Water for Communities in Active and Legacy Mining Regions | $135,000 |
Super-resolution Live and Fixed Cell Imaging Platform | $220,000 |
2 projects / projets | $355,000 |
University of Waterloo
A Testbed for Modern Cloud Storage Research | $50,000 |
Social Interaction, Language and Culture Laboratory (SILC) | $40,000 |
2 projects / projets | $90,000 |
University of Western Ontario (The)
Functional and Metabolic Assessment of Small Animal Models of Disease with MRI | $200,000 |
Noise-Induced Hearing Loss and Brain Plasticity | $200,000 |
From Circuits to Behaviour in Health and Disease | $200,000 |
Biofilm Engineering and Resource Recovery Laboratory | $200,000 |
4 projects / projets | $800,000 |
University of Windsor
Establishment of the Functional Organic Materials Research Centre | $280,000 |
1 project / projet | $280,000 |
Wilfrid Laurier University
Infrastructure to Investigate How to Make Children Critical Consumers of Information | $59,203 |
1 project / projet | $59,203 |
York University
A Molecular Immunology Laboratory to Elucidate the Mechanisms of Immune Regulation Following Exercise | $135,000 |
Immersive Storytelling Lab | $136,575 |
Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting for Muscle Cell Characterization and Purification | $200,920 |
Investigation of Mechanisms Responsible for Diabetes and Heart Failure | $180,270 |
Nanotechnology Enhanced Multifunctional Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Space Structures | $150,000 |
Facility for Assessing the Fire Resiliency of Building Materials | $118,135 |
Digital Participatory Research and Physical Cultures Lab | $49,664 |
Expanding the Chemistry of DNA | $114,626 |
A Real-Time Digital Simulator to Develop Resilience-Oriented Protection Systems for Power Grids | $150,000 |
Adaptable Liquid Chromatography System for Online and Offline Analysis of Trace Atmospheric Water-Soluble Compounds | $138,555 |
10 projects / projets | $1,373,745 |
As part of this announcement, an additional $9,770,257 was awarded under the Infrastructure Operating Fund (IOF), a mechanism that assists institutions with the incremental operating and maintenance costs associated with the new infrastructure.