
Investments in research infrastructure will support top Canadian talent

$86 million in labs and equipment will fuel innovation at universities across the country

[SHERBROOKE, QUEBEC] — Today, the Government of Canada announced nearly $86 million through the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) to support 316 research infrastructure projects at 47 institutions across the country. 

This contribution, made through the CFI’s John R. Evans Leaders Fund (JELF), will help institutions in Canada attract and retain the very best of today’s researchers.

The Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of National Revenue, made the announcement at the Université de Sherbrooke, on behalf of the Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry and the Honourable Mark Holland, Minister of Health. 

Projects being funded through the JELF include: 

  • Predicting sea level rise: As the world's glaciers and icesheets rapidly change, predicting sea-level rise becomes more challenging, especially since our knowledge of how ice interacts with the ocean is limited. This is partly because calving events, where large chunks of ice collapse into the water, make the ocean-ice environment dangerous to study. Researchers at the University of Manitoba are looking to change that with a CFI-funded autonomous ocean surface vehicle that can take measurements including ocean and atmospheric temperature, as well as ice thickness and structure. The first measurements will be of a glacier on southern Ellesmere Island in northern Nunavut and will be taken in collaboration with the nearby Inuit community of Aujuittuq (Grise Fiord).  

  • Streamlining cheese production: The dairy industry is a major socioeconomic pillar for the Canadian food sector, with more than 200,000 people employed and more than $18 billion a year in sales. To keep the industry globally competitive, a project at Université Laval in the city of Québec is looking to optimize production of mozzarella and similar cheeses. CFI funding will provide the Centre de recherche en science et technologie du lait (STELA) with extruder equipment to pilot more streamlined manufacturing. The project will also support the specialized training of 25 students. Each year, Canada produces more than 155,000 tonnes of mozzarella.   

  • Examining gene mutation’s role in mental illness: Genes that control sleep-wake cycles in the brain also ensure that different parts of the brain work in sync. Evidence suggests that some people with mental illness have mutations in these genes that may cause disruptions in several areas of the brain. Researchers at the University of Alberta plan to study this phenomenon in fruit flies, using CFI-funded specialized detectors and a microscope to take hundreds of measurements at once. They will look at gene activity in different areas of the brain and ways to force these areas of the brain to cycle together. The research will provide insight into the role of genetics in some mental illnesses and possible avenues for treatment. 


“The infrastructure projects funded by the Government of Canada through the Canada Foundation for Innovation’s John R. Evans Leaders Fund support researchers who are pushing boundaries of knowledge while driving economic prosperity. In the global race for talent, the CFI’s support helps institutions train, attract and retain these talented researchers and ensures all Canadians benefit from their innovations.” 

– Roseann O’Reilly Runte, President and CEO, Canada Foundation for Innovation

Quick facts

  • These infrastructure investments are part of a $502 million Government of Canada funding announcement that supports science, researchers and students. Read about what else is being announced here

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About the Canada Foundation for Innovation

With a bold, future-looking mandate, the Canada Foundation for Innovation equips researchers to be global leaders in their field and to respond to emerging challenges. Our investments in state-of-the-art tools, instruments and facilities at universities, colleges, research hospitals and non-profit research institutions underpin both curiosity- and mission-driven research that cuts across disciplines and bridges all sectors. The research infrastructure we fund mobilizes knowledge, spurs innovation and commercialization, and empowers the talented minds of a new generation.

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A full list of our funded projects, as well as stories about the facilities we fund, are available at For updates, follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn and X @InnovationCA and subscribe to our YouTube channel to find videos about the CFI and its transformative research projects.


Regional backgrounders


British Columbia


New Brunswick

Newfoundland & Labrador

Nova Scotia


Prince Edward Island



John R. Evans Leaders Fund


Projects Approved

Algoma University


Cape Breton University


Carleton University


Dalhousie University


HEC Montréal 


McGill University


McMaster University


Memorial University of Newfoundland


Mount Allison University


Mount Saint Vincent University


Ontario College of Art and Design (OCAD University)


Polytechnique Montréal


Queen’s University


Saint Mary's University


Simon Fraser University


St. Francis Xavier University


Thompson Rivers University


Toronto Metropolitan University


Université de Moncton


Université de Montréal


Université de Sherbrooke


Université du Québec - École de technologie supérieure


Université du Québec - Institut national de la recherche scientifiques


Université du Québec à Chicoutimi


Université du Québec à Montréal4
Université du Québec à Rimouski


Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières


Université Laval


University of Alberta


University of British Columbia (The)


University of Calgary


University of Guelph


University of Manitoba


University of New Brunswick


University of Ottawa


University of Prince Edward Island


University of Saskatchewan


University of the Fraser Valley


University of Toronto


University of Victoria


University of Waterloo


University of Western Ontario (The)


University of Windsor


University of Winnipeg (The)


Vancouver Island University


Wilfrid Laurier University


York University


Total Institutions                                                47



John R. Evans Leaders Fund

Project Title

Maximum CFI Contribution

Algoma University

Integrative Approaches to Disentangle Network Structure in Territorial Songbirds


Infrastructure to support the Multi-stressor Conservation Physiology Laboratory


2 projects


Cape Breton University

Bridging the Gap: Advancing Rural Health Research through a Health Research Van in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia


1 project


Carleton University

Identification and Quantification of Organic Molecules from Microbial Ecosystems


The Audience Experience Lab: Transforming Digital Media Production for Film and Games


Urban Aeroconservation for Regionally Migrating Bats


Accessible Automated Construction Site Studio (AACeSS Lab)


Sulfate Through Time


Advanced Vision Integration for Road Safety (AVIRS)


6 projects


Dalhousie University

Synthetic Methods for Stabilization of Peptide Nanotube Architecture


Breathing Innovation into Diagnostic Test for Lung Disease


Infrastructure for Food Proteins and Bioactive Peptides Lab


Stem Cells and Tissue Regeneration Analytical Suite


Fuel for Survival


Terrestrial Biogeochemical Modelling in Canada (TBM-CaN) Laboratory


6 projects


HEC Montréal

MID - Music Intelligence Database


1 project


McGill University

Uncertainty Quantification and Reduction via Expert Knowledge Integration in AI-based Clinical Decision Support Tools


Innovative Nutrition and Lifestyle Interventions for Health Improvement and Management of Diabetes, Aging and Cancer


The Marmoset as a Preclinical Model for Studying Sensory and Social Mechanisms Linked to Autism Spectral Disorders


Understanding Cellular Dynamics of Skin Health and Disease


Precise, Comprehensive and Practical Musculoskeletal Measurements to Prevent Age-, Sex- and Disease-specific Bone Loss


Laboratory for Soil and Water Resource Protection


Investigation of the Survival and Transmission of Emerging Zoonotic Human Pathogens using Super-resolution Microscopy


Understanding T Cell Development and Function to Improve the Efficacy of Cancer Immunotherapies


Extreme Temperature Carbothermal Manufacturing of Sustainable Graphitic Carbon Materials


Brain and Metabolism Initiative


Ex Vivo Assessment of the Aging Brain and its Disorders


Long Term Effects of Mild-traumatic Brain Injury


* TRANSFORM: Engaging with Young People for Social Change


Timeseries Anomaly Detection


Microvascular and Endothelial Health in Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy


Bio-inspired Supramolecular Microreactors for Synthetic Chemistry


Architectures that Mediate Bacteria-host Interactions: Towards an Anti-adhesion Strategy to Treat Microbial Infections


Integrated Microbial Culture Facility for Near-realtime Evolutionary Analysis


Distributed Neural Representations for Efficient Learning and Inference


Microwave Sensing for Accessible, Personalized Health Screening and Monitoring


20 projects


* Funding for Research Infrastructure Associated with SSHRC Research Support

McMaster University

The Indigenous Digital Dialogue Lab


Characterizing Mechanisms of Thrombosis and Hemostasis using Multiphoton Intravital Microscopy


Innovative Avian Mobile Laboratory to Study the Direct and Indirect Effects of Climate Change and Pollution on Birds


Brain Mechanisms of Rhythm Perception: New Methods to Understand the Impact of the Motor System on Auditory Perception


Advancing Energy Systems for use in Unsteady and Turbulent Environments


Laboratory for the Development and Deployment of Magnetically Actuated Soft Robots for Medical Applications


Space-time Mechanisms of Pattern Control during Vertebrate Embryo Segmentation


Infrastructure to Enable High-dimensional Genomic and Epigenomic Analyses to Understand Placental Dysfunction


Single photon counting confocal microscope for time-resolved fluorescence studies of gene transcription


Laboratory for Advanced Nano-Optical Biosensing


Development of the Bio-Resources Engineering Laboratory


11 projects


Memorial University of Newfoundland

Micro-Computed Tomography Imaging Suite for in vivo and ex vivo Sample Visualization


1 project


Mount Allison University

Expanding Taxonomic Understanding of Animal Energetics in Ecology


1 project


Mount Saint Vincent University

Temperature Effects on Physiology and Behaviour of Economically Important Native and Invasive Insects


1 project


Ontario College of Art and Design (OCAD University)

Completing Next Generation Holographic Technology and XR Research


1 project


Polytechnique Montréal

Multifrequency Ultrasound Platform for the Process Intensification of the Chemical Industry

149 999 $

Système d'analyse ampérométrique pour la nanochimie et la neurochimie

91 393 $

AROGULA: A Random Optical Grating fabrication system using UV of FS LAsers

149 998 $

3 projets

391,390 $

Queen’s University

Permafrost Hydrogeology in a Changing Climate


The Fractured Rock and Cryo-hydrogeology Lab


Nanobubble-aided Advanced Photocatalytic Treatment for Emerging Contaminant Removal


Diverse, Perceptive and Intelligent Wireless Infrastructure for 6G and Beyond


Magnetic Micromanipulation System for Mechanical Measurement and Stimulation of Brain Tumor


** Impact of Radiation in Energy and Advanced Technologies


*** Integrated Photonics for Massive Entanglement Generation


** Imaging Immunity in Chronic Disease and Cancer


Technologies for Neuromusculoskeletal Disorders


Cardiac Macrophage Subset Maintenance and Expansion in the Healthy and Injured Heart


Developing and Analytical Imaging Laboratory for Cultural Heritage Science


11 projects


** Funding for Research Infrastructure Associated with CERC Research Support

*** Funding for Research Infrastructure Associated with NSERC Research Support

Saint Mary's University

Advancing Plant Functional Ecology Research through Stable Isotope Infrastructure


1 project


Simon Fraser University

Infrastructure for the Laboratory of Brain Resilience


Unravelling the Heterogeneity of Neurocognitive Aging with Portable and Wearable Technology


Research Space for Complex Social Problems


Laboratory for Advanced Research and Innovation in Modern Distribution Grids


Infrastructure for the Exercise Physiology and Performance Laboratory


Integrated Watershed Sciences Research Laboratory


Machine Learning for Agile Motor Skills


Imaginative Methods Lab: New Methods and Tools for Participatory Futures Literacy and Practices


Infrastructure for Investigating the Molecular Mechanisms Underlying DNA Repair Pathway Choice


Remote Sensing for Investigation of Ecosystem Complexes under Environmental Change


10 projects


St. Francis Xavier University

The Ecology and Genomics of Sexual Conflict: Research through the StFX Centre for Insect Evolution and Ecology


Reconstruction of Ancient Climate Trends and Ocean Chemistry


2 projects


Thompson Rivers University

Understanding the Consequences of Urbanization and Climate Change on Terrestrial Wildlife


1 project


Toronto Metropolitan University

Cardiovascular Biomechanics Measurement Facility for Blood Flow and Biomechanical Testing


Studying Phenotypic Heterogeneity and Aging in Budding Yeast with Fluorescence-activated Cell Sorting


2 projects


Université de Moncton

Implication of Cell-derived Extracellular Vesicles in Disease Progression


Exploring the Brain Complexity


2 projects


Université de Montréal

Studying the Interplay of Cellular Mechanisms Underlying Retina Pathologies


Molecular Events Controlling CD8+ T Cell Response to Infection and Cancer


Eco-Evo-Patho of Microbes in Nature


Monitoring cérébral pour comprendre les mécanismes physiologiques du délirium et rehausser sa détection en cardiologie


Targeting Tumor Metabolism to Improve Cancer Therapy with Oncolytic Viruses


The Study of Islet Vascular Niche in Healthy and Pathogenic Beta Cell Development, and Developing Therapies for Diabetes


A Robotic Neurophysiology Platform for the Study of Sensorimotor Control in Ethologically-relevant Behaviors


The Effect of Fibroblasts on Dysplastic Stem Cell Fate in Pancreatic Tumors


* LAVIA: un laboratoire vivant sur l'innovation et l'apprentissage en enseignement supérieur


* Revue3.0 : Écrire, Transmettre, Découvrir


** Light-Matter Interactions in Photonic Materials


NEUROsciences and Cortical ORganoid (NEUROCOR) Lab


CELLENGINE: A Scalable Genome Engineering Platform to Understand Biological Complexity and Disease


Cardiometabolic Health in At-risk Pediatric Populations


14 projects


* Funding for Research Infrastructure Associated with SSHRC Research Support

** Funding for Research Infrastructure Associated with CERC Research Support

Université de Sherbrooke

Structural Investigation of Membrane Proteins from an Atomic to a Molecular Complex Perspectives


Laboratoire - Environnements Arctiques et Pergélisol (LEAP)


Brain Stimulation Platform of Université de Sherbrooke


STEMUS: Stem Cell and Tissue-engineering Platform for Understanding Brain Development and Aging


Infrastructure pour le développement d’un ciment micro-ondes sans émission CO2 dans l’atmosphère


*** Machines de caractérisation mécanique multi-axes


6 projects


*** Funding for Research Infrastructure Associated with NSERC Research Support

Université du Québec - École de technologie supérieure

Cutting-edge Technology for Non-invasive Characterisation of Aquifers and Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Ground


Biomaterials and Biofabrication Laboratory


Infrastructure pour le développement d’enceintes de production végétale intérieure à haute efficacité énergétique


Digital Twin for Efficient Management of Integrated Terrestrial and Non-Terrestrial Networks


Contrôle de la Pollution Atmosphérique : Applications aux Procédés de Recyclage, de Traitement et aux Matériaux


5 projects


Université du Québec - Institut national de la recherche scientifique

Ultrafast Quantum Imaging


Unraveling Myeloid Cell Diversity in Difficult-to-treat Cancers for Rational Therapeutic Targeting


2 projects


Université du Québec à Chicoutimi

Optimisation énergétique et réduction de l’empreinte environnementale des procédés et systèmes


Plateforme de génomique pour le suivi des environnements aquatiques


2 projects


Université du Québec à Montréal

The Creation of the Canadian Bariatric Behavioural Intervention Research Platform


Microbial-mediated and Abiotic Contaminant Transformations in Aquifer Ecosystems


Laboratoire 1P1. Laboratoire d’expérimentation en réalité étendue


EnJeuLab - Infrastructure de recherche sur la pratique et l'évaluation de l'activité physique chez les jeunes


4 projects


Université du Québec à Rimouski

Laboratory for Acoustics and Vibration Analysis (LAVA): Eco-Friendly and Silent Ship Design


1 project


Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières

Confocal Microscopy Platform$298,363
1 project$298,363

Université Laval

Création d’une plateforme pilote de production fromagère


A Neuro-computational Approach to Understand and Quantify Pain Perception


Real-time Imaging of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) in Fresh Horticultural Produce


Infrastructure pour la caractérisation des propriétés hydromécaniques des sols marginalement gelés


Étude des problématiques associées à la sous-DÉCLARaration dEs événements indésirables (DECLARE)


Comprehensive Utilization of Natural Resources for Critical Metal Recovery and CO2 Mineralization


Conception et performance des infrastructures de transport en région froide


Neurobiology of Opioid Abuse


Plateforme d'analyses en santé des sols


Laboratoire de télédétection appliquée à l'adaptation de la sylviculture au changement climatique


Determining how Microbes and Nutrients Modify Gut Health and Metabolic Homeostasis


Innovations in Wheelchair Mobility Evaluation and Training Traversing Virtual Reality to the Real World


Infrastructure de recherche sur les panneaux composites à base de bois de nouvelle génération


Plateforme d’imagerie hyperspectrale IR pour la numérisation sensorielle et le contrôle de la qualité des aliments


Recherche clinique sur l’endométriose et les facteurs affectant la qualité de vie des individus atteints


Impact of Interventions Targeting Cardiometabolic Health on the Brain


16 projects


University of Alberta

Modelling Retinal Degeneration in African Clawed Frog


Functional Analysis of Cellular Mechanisms using Live cell Time-lapse Confocal Microscopy


Advanced Behavioural and Production Management Research in the Built Environment using Digital and Robotic Technology


Advancing Health Equity and Reducing Drug-related Harm through Health Systems Innovation Research


Integrated Quadruped Robotic Sensing System (IQRSS) for Efficient Monitoring and Management of Critical Infrastructure


Smart Radio Environments based on IoT, 5G and Beyond (B5G)


DARC Natural Language Processing for Precision Health


Infrastructure for Advancing Bio-robotics: Towards Robotic Motor Function Assessment and Optimal Personalized Therapy


Infrastructure to Measure Behaviour and Track Brain Transcription Activity in Drosophila


Innovation in Multimodal Imaging to Interrogate Blood Flow, Function, and Metabolism in the Nervous System


ISERF – Induced Seismic Experimental Research Facility


Portable Photosynthesis and Gas Analysis System for Innovative Plant-soil-microbial Research


Infrastructure for Renewable and Sustainable Biomaterials


13 projects


University of British Columbia (The)

Psychology, Health, and Sexuality (PHaSe) Laboratory


Wild Animal Microbiomes & Stress (WAMS)


Tissue Microprocessing Platform: Technologies to Unravel Heterogeneous Interactions in Cancer


Overcoming Therapy Resistance in Leukemia


Computational Sensorimotor Learning Lab


Functional Food Colloids Laboratory


A Toolkit to Ensure EDI during Software Development Processes


Single Cell Analysis of Chromosomal Instability in Cancer using Machine Learning


Advanced RNA Translatome Profiling Facility to Identify Therapeutic Targets and Biomarkers for Prostate Cancer (ART-PC)


Emotionally Intelligent Construction Robots


Advancing Redox Flow Battery Technology and Electrochemical Carbon Capture: A Parallel Development Approach


Identifying Disease Drivers of Lethal Brain Cancer


Microscopy Suite for High-throughput and High-resolution Analysis of Microbe-interfacing Nanomaterials


Advancing DNA-based Nanoswitches using Single Molecule Fluorescence Methods: Towards Precision Detection and Delivery


An Autonomous Robotic Platform for Process Chemical Manufacturing and Development


Preparation and Characterization of Advanced Materials for Optoelectronics


Development of River Survey Capability for Assessment of Fluxes of Sediment and Organic-carbon Across Watersheds


Safe Cooperation and Co-existence for Multi-agent Robotic Systems


Nutrition and Microbiome Precision Health (N&M Precision) Lab


Enhancing Reproductive Population Health Research through Novel Database Development: Building Big Data Infrastructure


Implantable Smart Biomaterials and Sensors


Hardware and Storage for Natural Language Processing Research with Large Language Models


Engineering Solar-driven Industrial Chemical Processes for the Net Zero Economy


Synthesis, Simulation, and Validation of an Advanced Macro-mini Robotic System


Advanced Raman and Optical Imaging Platforms for Agrifood Safety and Sustainability


Multispecies Archaeology Laboratory (MSAL)


Stable isotope laboratory for carbon cycle and climate research


Request for High-resolution, Low-irradiation in Vivo MicroCT Scanner


Developing Laminated Engineered Wood Products using Recycled Wood


Multi-omic Analysis of Treatment Resistance and Cancer Heterogeneity (MATCH)


Immune Suppression-Free Xenotransplantation


Tackling Antibiotic Resistance Generation and Establishing Test Surveillance for TB (TARGETS for TB)


Facility for Neurology Fluid Biomarker Innovation


Establishing the Fire Resilience and Wood Ignition Safety Evaluation (FIREWISE) Laboratory


Computational Social Science at SLIME-Lab


35 projects


University of Calgary

Resilient and Innovative Materials and Structures (RIMS) for Sustainable Infrastructure


Designing and Evaluating Novel eXtended Reality User Interfaces for Effective Multi-user Social Interactions


The Role of Secretory Autophagy in Age-related Chronic Respiratory Disease


Novel Biplane Fluoroscopy Methods to Advance Knowledge on How Joint Motion and Loads Affect Musculoskeletal Disease


Evaluation of Phenotypes Towards Elucidating Clinical Stability and Acute Pulmonary Exacerbations in Bronchiectasis


Effect of Different Types of Exercise on Brain Health: Role of Biological Sex and Age


Ultra High Resolution Multiplex Imaging of the Breast Tumor Microenvironment at the Single Cell Level


The Impact of Early Life Events on Longterm Imprinting of Humoral Immune Homeostasis


Intravital Imaging of Bacterial Pathogenesis


Investigating Links Between Physical Activity and Health Among Small-scale Subsistence Societies


Integrating Synthetic Microbiology and Materials Engineering to Redefine Biocompatibility at the Host-microbe Interface


Cells to Behaviours: An Integrated Platform for Preclinical Research on Neurodevelopmental Conditions


Building Diamond-based Quantum Devices for Sensing and Communication


Indigenous Interdisciplinary Land-based Research


Research hub for Allogeneic Cell Therapy


Intelligent Navigation and Mapping System for Autonomous Driving


16 projects


University of Guelph

Investigating Glial-mediated Purinergic Dysfunction in Neurodevelopmental Disorders


Gaining a Deeper Understanding of Emotional Processing Deficits in Two High-risk Samples of Youth


Minimizing Environmental Emissions from Livestock Species in Canada


Automated Microbioreactor Platform for Accelerated and Scalable Bioprocessing of Agri-food Residues


Highly Sensitive High-throughput Biosensors for Early Cancer Diagnostics and Food Safety Applications


The Effect of Grazing Intensity and Fertilization on Carbon Sequestration in Agricultural Grasslands


Establishing the Growth Eating & Appetite Together (GrEAT) Laboratory to study infant and child growth and development


Infrastructure for Building Environmental Monitoring


Understanding the Interactions between Hypertension and Huntington's Disease


Environmental Sentinel Surveillance and Forecasting of Climate-sensitive Waterborne and Vector-borne Zoonotic Diseases


The role of Nitrogen and Carbon Quality in Greenhouse Gas Production following Permafrost Thaw in Northern Peatlands


Infrastructure to Establish Lab in Plant Systematics and Evolution of Wild Crop Relatives


The Effects of Temperature on Ecological and Evolutionary Dynamics


Functional Characterization of Neural Circuits Underlying the Perception of Control During Stress


Developing Novel Immunotherapies for Brain Cancers


15 projects


University of Manitoba

Imaging Inaccessible Ice: Glacier Monitoring at the Ice-ocean Interface


Optimizing Soil Fertility Management for Better Grain Nutritional Quality


Functional Integration of Neurogenetics in Development & Disease.


Microvascular Physiology, Exercise, and Muscle Research Facility for Studying Critical Illness


Platform Maximizing the Value of Co-products from Plant-protein Processing


Promoting Equitable Access to Safe Water in First Nations and Urban Communities by Assessing Water Safety and Security


The Immersive Cognition Laboratory


The Heart: Multiple Pathways to Indigenous Heritage Rematriation


8 projects


University of New Brunswick

Prenatal and Postnatal Exposures on Adiposity Development in infantS (PEADS) Laboratory


1 project


University of Ottawa

Laboratory for Low-carbon Energy Infrastructure


NMR Tools to Enable Innovative Molecule, Material, and Process Design


Bioenergy & Value-added Products from Non-conventional Organic Wastes, Toward Circular Economy/Climate Change Adaptation


In vivo Two-photon Imaging and Manipulation of Different Movement-related Ensembles in 3D in Awake Mice


Behavioral and Experimental Macroeconomics


Deciphering Targetable Molecular Communication Between Muscle Stem Cells and their Niche Environment to Improve Health


Stable Isotopes to Study Changing Northern Environments


** Attosecond X-ray Photonics


Designing, creating, and testing hPSC-based endothelial cell therapeutics for liver disease


Ultrafast Multidimensional Infrared Spectrometer for Catalysis and Quantum Materials


Analytical Tools for Lignin Biology and Engineering


Shedding New Light on Photosynthesis with Multidimensional Coherent Spectroscopy


12 projects


** Funding for Research Infrastructure Associated with CERC Research Support

University of Prince Edward Island

Establishing Illumina Miseq Based Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) facility at the Atlantic Veterinary College, UPEI


1 project


University of Saskatchewan

The Infrastructure of Health, Economics, and Power


BMO Soil Analytical Laboratory


Saskatchewan Marine Invertebrate Lab for Embryology


3 projects


University of the Fraser Valley

Investigation of Luminescence Signals from Minerals for Sediment Tracking


1 project


University of Toronto

Impacts of Environmental Change on Organismal Movement


21st Century Challenge for Dentistry: Breaking the Cycle of Irreversible Dental Tissue Loss


Sex and Sex-specific Factors Influencing Brain Health Across the Lifespan


Structural and Functional Assessments of Diabetic Skin Microvasculature using Photoacoustic Imaging


Biointerfacing Materials for Drug Delivery Lab


An Advanced Laboratory to Enable Novel Radio Telescopes for Cosmology and Time-domain Astrophysics


Machine Learning for Nanoporous Materials Design


Heterochromatin Regulation in Development and Inheritance


Sarcopenia and Musculoskeletal Interactions (SaMI) Collaborative Hub


Targeting Translation for Tissue Regeneration and Repair


HFE Visual Design Studio


Advancing Neuromodulation for Pediatric Rehabilitation


Cardiovascular Exercise Physiology Laboratory – Individual Differences in Oxygen Delivery During Physical Activity


Infrastructure to Identify New Targets and Therapies for Neovascular Eye Diseases


Universal Filters for Storage Engines


Dissecting Mechanisms of Cancer Development using Genetically Engineered Mouse Models


Scalable Discrete Integration Engines


A Collaboratorium to Improve Problem Framing in Engineering Design


Molecular Regulation of Clonal Propagation and Dissemination in Human Breast Cancer


Next-generation Vibrational Imaging Platform for Biomedical Research and Applications


Development of a High-resolution Imaging Spectrograph.


Mechanisms Regulating the Stem Cell Niche in Tissue Regeneration and Aging at Single Cell and Spatial Resolution


Advanced Imaging and Manipulation of Hippocampal Activity Patterns Linking Memories Across Time


The Open Virome - Infrastructure for Planetary-Scale Virus Surveillance


Anticipating and Buffering Stress: From Synapse to Behaviour


Innovative Strategies and Simulation Technologies for Sensory-cognitive Health of the Aging Population


Advancing Fall Prevention Research


Effects of Climate Change, Migratory Plasticity, and Habitat Modification on Monarch Butterfly Migration


Enabling Precision Diagnostics/Image-Guided Therapy: Advanced Computational Infrastructure for Musculoskeletal Health


Upgrade Glacios-2 200 keV Cryo-electron Microscope


Mechanisms of Beta Cell Dysfunction in Diabetes


Interrogating Cellular Pathways with Pathogenic Effectors


Molecular Logic and Functions of Transcriptional Adaptation


Large Memory Compute Nodes for Generation of Quantum Machine Learning Data


34 projects


University of Victoria

Efficient Computing Equipment for Modeling in Quantum Physics


The Geomorphology and Chronology Research (GCR) Lab: A Facility for Quantifying Glacial Geomorphic Change


Multi-scale Multi-material Additive Manufacturing for Advanced Materials Development


3 projects


University of Waterloo

Scalable Biomanufacturing for a Net-zero Economy


Developing Synthetic Symbiotic Bacterial Consortia for Mixed Plastic Upcycling


Uncertainty-aware Structural Identification Testbed for Bridge Infrastructure


Injectable Filamentous Hydrogels for Regenerative Medicine


Developing Next Generation of Green Pavement Technologies


Translational Approaches to Studying Chronic Pain


Social Robots for Supporting Older Adults and Children


Integrating Behavioural Science and Digital Health Approaches to Predict and Promote Physical Activity


Creation and Validation of the Waterloo Dress Database to Support Impression Formation Research


Developing a High-throughput Genome-wide Screening System to Study Stress Defense Mechanisms in Clostridioides Difficile


CPU-GPU Accelerated Optimal Process Design and Control to Rigorously Model Space-time


11 projects


University of Western Ontario (The)

Western X-ray Diffraction Unit


Console for 15.2 T preclinical MRI


Next-generation Operation and Management of Urban Mobility


The Plant Stress Biology Facility


Robotic Joint Mechanics Simulator with Dynamic Imaging


Portal to Humanistic Immersive Experiences


6 projects


University of Windsor

Automation of Functional Genomics


The Cell-type-specific Regulation of mRNA Translation in Health and Disease


Understanding Reaction Mechanism and Properties of Low-carbon Cements/Concretes


High-precision infrastructure for temperature and dynamic stability testing of micro sensors


Integrative Cerebrovascular Function


Facility for Research on Sustainable and Smart Pavement Materials


Acoustic Monitoring for Long-term Biodiversity and Conservation Research


STRIVE: Sustainable Transportation Research - Integrated Vehicular Electronics


8 projects


University of Winnipeg (The)

Planetary Surface Exploration Using Multispectral Imagery


Thin Film Coatings for Fundamental Physics with Ultracold Neutrons


Expanding Pulmonary Function Testing Infrastructure in the Integrative Exercise and Respiratory Physiology Laboratory


The University of Winnipeg Child and Community Research and Innovation Commons


4 projects


Vancouver Island University

Biomarkers and Treatments to Improve the Care of Brain Injury in Underserved Populations


1 project


Wilfrid Laurier University

Comparative Analysis of Chemosensing Mechanisms by Vertebrate Neuroepithelial Cells


Mechanisms of Social Behavior in Snakes


Deepen our Understanding on Plant-pathogen Interactions in Adapt to Climate Change


3 projects


York University

Persistence of Recent Experiences in Memory via Spontaneous Thought


Curating Reconciliation through XR Immersive Technologies


Establishment of an AI-guided Personalized Medicine Discovery Facility


Data Analytics in SErvices (DAISE)


Methods to Create Mutations in Cells to Understand and Treat Disease


Marginal MediaWorks


An Advanced Platform for Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy


7 projects


As part of this announcement, an additional $19,822,084 was awarded under the Infrastructure Operating Fund (IOF), a mechanism that assists institutions with the incremental operating and maintenance costs associated with the new infrastructure.