Introducing our new Vice-President of Programs and Planning
OTTAWA, ONT. — The Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) is pleased to announce the appointment of Mohamad Nasser-Eddine as Vice-President of Programs and Planning.
Nasser-Eddine will join the CFI in September 2023 from the University of Ottawa, where he has been Associate Vice-President, Research Support and Infrastructure since April 2022. In this position, he has been responsible for promoting and supporting opportunities for the development and maintenance of world-class research installations and he played a key strategic role in maximizing the research impact of large infrastructure projects on the uOttawa campus.
Nasser-Eddine has previously served the CFI as Director of Programs and as Acting Vice-President of Programs and Planning. Prior to this, he was Director, Office of Strategic Development Initiatives at the University of Ottawa, a position he held for four years. As Director at uOttawa, he was responsible for the University of Ottawa’s CFI portfolio, the Ministry of Research and Innovation’s Ontario Research Fund and institutional core facilities.
He completed a Master’s and PhD in chemistry at the Université de Haute-Alsace in France, and an Executive MBA with a concentration in technology management at l’Université du Québec à Montreal. Before joining the University of Ottawa, Mohamad spent three years as a research scientist focused on drug delivery at Labopharm in Montréal.